L&P Poker Ride Coming Sept. 10
For the seventh year, Arthur and Jackie Dixon, owners of L&P Liquor and Yesterday’s Bar & Grill in Richmond, are hosting the L&P Poker Ride and dedicating all proceeds to Hospice Care Plus. This year’s Poker Ride is on Saturday, Sept. 10 at Yesterday’s on Heath East Street. Registration begins at 11 a.m. The ride…

Register Now for the Summer Fun BBQ!
The annual Summer Fun BBQ fundraiser is celebrating its 10th anniversary, and everyone is invited. Join hosts Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Prewitt on Saturday, August 13 at 6pm for “Summer Fun BBQ under the Big Top.” The event will be held at the Prewitt farm on Cedar Grove Road in Irvine. This year’s BBQ features…

Visit the Bucket-List Blog
We love sharing our bucket-list stories, and there are so many of them that we’ve given them their own home: The Hospice Care Plus Bucket-List Blog. Visit today and read inspiring stories about bucket-list wishes like: Meeting Blake Shelton in Person (It Happened!) Visiting a Favorite Fishing Hole One More Time Marrying the Love of…

Join our volunteer team!
If you are kind, compassionate, and believe in serving your community, we’d love for you to join our volunteer team. Hospice Care Plus will host a training for new volunteers on Saturday, April 30, 9 am-4 pm, at the Hospice Compassionate Care Center in Richmond. Pre-registration is requested so the staff can be sure to…

New Gala Perk: Bourbon-Tasting Tent!
If dinner and dancing aren’t enough to wet your whistle, the Gala on Derby Eve has a new trick up its sleeve. For the first time ever, the 2016 Gala will feature a Bourbon-Tasting Tent. “Bourbon pairs well with the Gala, because it’s as steeped in Kentucky tradition as the Derby itself,” says Julie Hatfield,…

Reservations Open for Gala on Derby Eve
Your “place to be on Derby Eve” is back for its 13th year: The Gala on Derby Eve. The benefit gala brings together 200-plus guests in Richmond each year to celebrate Kentucky’s Derby tradition while raising funds for Hospice Care Plus. This year’s Gala on Derby Eve is Friday, May 6 at 7 p.m. Registration…

Bucket-List Campaign Starts Feb. 26
The 2016 Bucket-List Challenge Campaign kicks-off Friday, Feb. 26, with seven days of inspiring stories about hospice patients and families. The Bucket-List Campaign is a fundraising event, but also raises awareness about hospice care. For seven consecutive days, Feb. 26 to March 4, Hospice Care Plus will share one bucket-list story each day. The stories…

New! 1st Tuesday Tours
Starting Tuesday, February 2, the Hospice Care Plus Compassionate Care Center will offer First Tuesday Tours. The tours are to help the community learn more about one of Kentucky’s few, freestanding, hospice inpatient centers and will be offered on the first Tuesday of each month from noon through 6 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided.…

Lemetta Dause Memorial Bowling Tourn.
The 5th annual Lemetta Dause Memorial Bowling Tournament is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 28 at 2 p.m. at Galaxy Bowling Center in Richmond. The tournament is organized by the Madison County Bowling Association and the Madison County Women’s Bowling Association in memory of Mrs. Dause, who was cared for by Hospice Care Plus. All proceeds…

Hearts for Hospice in February
For the entire month of February, area banks are hosting Hearts for Hospice. The fundraiser gives customers the opportunity to request a memorial heart for a donation of at least one dollar. The donor writes the name of the person they are remembering on the heart, and the banks display them throughout the month. All…
Hospice Care Plus empowers those we serve to enjoy the highest quality of life, respecting their values, beliefs, needs, and goals through specialized care, education, resources, and grief support.
Our Service Area:
Our Home Hospice and Home Palliative Care programs serve you, wherever you call home, in the Kentucky counties of Estill, Jackson, Lee, Madison, Owsley, and Rockcastle.
Our inpatient care facility, the Compassionate Care Center, and administrative offices are located in Richmond, Kentucky.