Family Caregiving 101 July 25

A new, free resource for family caregivers is coming to Madison County on Wed., July 25, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., at the Berea College Forestry Outreach Center in Berea.

Family CG 101 FB Post 1Family Caregiving 101 is designed to be a mini-conference experience that features four, brief learning sessions combined with opportunities for fellowship and networking among caregivers. The mini-conference is part of U-Care, a new outreach program from Hospice Care Plus.

“We designed U-Care as a way to share our expertise and support with family caregivers who don’t yet need hospice or palliative care, but who could use resources and support to help in their caregiving journey,” says Brenna Wallhausser, director of public relations at Hospice.

Brenna says family caregivers are people who help loved ones on a regular basis due to underlying physical or mental conditions. That help can range from visiting loved ones once a week to help with tasks they can no longer do themselves, to caring for a loved one every day.

Family Caregiving 101 is the first offering from U-Care and will include four learning sessions: Coping with Stress, emphasizing the importance of self-care; Practical Caregiving Tips, presented by a nurse; Planning for the Future, to help participants understand the legal and medical planning necessary to avoid conflicts and crises; and Honoring the Wish to Stay at Home, which will highlight resources in the region that can support caregivers who want to help their loved ones live out their lives at home. The afternoon will end with a question-and-answer session with all four presenters.

Long breaks between sessions will give caregivers a chance to enjoy refreshments, door prizes, activities, and fellowship with other family caregivers. The first 10 guests will receive a free caregiver survival kit. All guests will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card.

Family Caregiving 101 is free and open to the public. To learn more, contact Brenna Wallhausser at 859-986-1500, 800-806-5492 or Please also visit the Facebook event page for Family Caregiving 101.

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Hospice Care Plus empowers those we serve to enjoy the highest quality of life, respecting their values, beliefs, needs, and goals through specialized care, education, resources, and grief support.

Our Service Area:

Our Home Hospice and Home Palliative Care programs serve you, wherever you call home, in the Kentucky counties of Estill, Jackson, Lee, Madison, Owsley, and Rockcastle.

Our inpatient care facility, the Compassionate Care Center, and administrative offices are located in Richmond, Kentucky.

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