Stories of Life

Stories of Life from Hospice Care Plus


To Continue Her Pedicures with Sam

You may have noticed that our special wish stories are often, at their heart, about relationships. Even those that seem to be about something else really have relationships at their root.


To Get Back Home

Nancy Isaacs, a Hospice Care Plus nurse, now retired but with 20-plus years under her belt, will never forget one patient’s bucket-list story. “He hadn’t lived in our county very long,” remembers Nancy. “He was from a small town in eastern Kentucky, and his greatest wish was to have his body taken back there to be…

Faced with life without her longtime husband, a grieving widow learns to drive, with the help of a special hospice friend.

To Learn to Drive

In this reflection from a current staff member and former volunteer at Hospice Care Plus,  we learn that sometimes, even family members of hospice patients have important bucket-list items. I became acquainted with hospice as a volunteer while in college. My first assignment was with an older couple I’ll call Mr. and Mrs. C. I…

For women like Mrs. Brown, self-reliance is everything.

To be Self-Reliant

Mrs. Brown taught us that we have to balance the need for self-reliance with the need for safety–and that creative solutions are always at-hand.

a patient with his granddaughter

To See My Granddaughter Again

We ask “what’s most important to you today?” at every visit with patients and families. Last week, the answer was simple, beautiful, and led to an emotional reunion.

The site of the Red Lick Valley Bluegrass Festival is also the Tracy Jenkins farm, land that has been in the family for three generations.

To Continue a 37-Year Tradition

Seventy-three-year-old Stanley (Tracy) Jenkins enjoys many things, but a few top the list.

Handmade sympathy cards made by teens who have lost loved ones.

To Show Other Kids You Understand

Have you ever tried to buy a sympathy card for a child or teenager who’s lost a loved one? It’s very hard to find something that fits.


To be There for His 1st Day of School

Nancy and her husband Skip had nearly 40 years of history together when she learned she had lung cancer in June 2009. By Christmas, she knew curative treatments were no longer helping. Her focus became quality of life, and we were honored to be asked to care for her at home.  Nancy and Skip were…


To Marry Karen

One February day in 2014, we made a special request on our Facebook page:  did anyone have a sized 32-34 suit or tux we could borrow for a patient who wanted to get married? We asked our Facebook followers because the patient’s care team—the nurse, social worker, nurse aid, and chaplain—had all checked with friends and…

Hospice Care Plus empowers those we serve to enjoy the highest quality of life, respecting their values, beliefs, needs, and goals through specialized care, education, resources, and grief support.

Our Service Area:

Our Home Hospice and Home Palliative Care programs serve you, wherever you call home, in the Kentucky counties of Estill, Jackson, Lee, Madison, Owsley, and Rockcastle.

Our inpatient care facility, the Compassionate Care Center, and administrative offices are located in Richmond, Kentucky.

Recent News:

Gift A Day Of Care in 2025

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Journaling Through Grief Series Hosted in Irvine

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Give a Heart for Hospice in February

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Celebrating Teresa Turner’s Retirement

On January 31, Teresa Turner, APRN, will retire from Hospice Care Plus after more than 24 years of service. An...