Volunteer Application

Volunteers are vital to our mission of providing compassionate care for all, regardless of ability to pay.

They provide a special kind of caring and practical help for our patients and their families or work alongside our staff behind the scenes.

Whether it’s offering a listening ear to patients and families, providing respite care for exhausted caregivers, helping us prepare a large mailing, or sharing personal expertise, the hours our volunteers give can be the most rewarding experience of their lives.

Our volunteers come from all walks of life. Some work during the day, some are retired, and others volunteer while attending school. Whatever your life allows, we work with you to find an opportunity that fits.

While training is required, we make it as easy as possible to get started.

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Volunteer Application Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering. This information will provide us with an understanding of your interests and abilities. Some questions may seem personal; however, the information is helpful in determining the best role for you.

General Information


Education and Employment:

Educational Experience:
Employment Experience:
Please check all special skills or hobbies that apply to you:

Personal Information:

Do you have a valid driver's license?
Do you have reliable transportation?
Do you have auto insurance?

Programs and Placements:

Programs/Settings of Interest (please check all that apply):
Areas of Interest (please check all that apply):


Give the names of two persons not related to you, whom you have known at least one year. Sharing their information means you authorize Hospice to contact the persons listed below to obtain personal reference checks.

Reference 1:


Reference 2:


Emergency Contact


Section Divider

Please read the following statement carefully before signing to indicate your understanding:

I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references listed above, and release all parties from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing same to you.

I understand as a condition of my volunteer service, I will be required to undergo screening and other pre-service requirements.

Clear Signature
Date / Time

Isn’t it expensive?

NO. The cost of care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. Our grief care program is donor supported and you are not invoiced for care.

We provide care for all, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.

News & Events


Family Caregiving 101

On Tuesday, March 24, U-Care will host a Family Caregiving 101 Workshop at Steam Engine Pizza Pub’s Session Room in Irvine. The workshop runs from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and is free and open to anyone who helps care for a loved one, whether it’s for a few hours here-and-there or on a live-in…

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Hospice Hop Tickets Now Available

Join us on Friday, March 27 at 7 p.m. for the Hospice Hop at the Silver Eagle in Mount Vernon. Enjoy a 50s, rock-and-roll themed night of live music with the Wild River Band, dancing, classic cars, cake walk, silent auction, and even an Elvis impersonator. Be sure to dress in 50s attire for a…

General Featured Image

Get a “Heart for Hospice” in February

For the entire month of February, area banks are hosting Hearts for Hospice. The fundraiser gives customers the opportunity to request a memorial heart for a donation of at least one dollar. Donors write their own name or the name of the person they are remembering on the heart, and the banks display them throughout…

General Featured Image

Get a “Heart for Hospice” in February

For the entire month of February, area banks are hosting Hearts for Hospice. The fundraiser gives customers the opportunity to request a memorial heart for a donation of at least one dollar. Donors write their own name or the name of the person they are remembering on the heart, and the banks display them throughout…

Volunteer Application