Medicare 101 for Family Caregivers


U-Care is hosting Medicare 101 for Family Caregivers on April 12, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Appalachian College Association in Richmond (801 Brighton Ave., Richmond, next to Galaxy Bowling).

Registration is required and is free for all family caregivers. The workshop is ideal for those caring for a family member on a part-time or full-time basis, and whose family member is not medically appropriate for hospice care. Registration should be completed no later than April 9 can be completed online.

Medicare 101 for Family Caregivers is a mini-conference experience featuring four sessions: Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage and MediGap, Waiver Programs, and What Caregivers Need to Know to Maximize Benefits and Coverage.

Paige Tipton, a registered nurse and the healthcare liaison at Hospice Care Plus, says the workshop was created based on feedback received from previous workshop guests.

“At our first workshop for caregivers, the majority of guests said this was the topic they felt they needed the most help with and wanted us to offer in the future,” says Paige. “As a caregiver, you want to know that you’re helping your loved get the full benefit from their Medicare coverage and you’re getting all the support you can from that coverage as their caregiver. What that will look like is going to depend on the unique needs and goals of each caregiver and loved one.”

Paige says the sessions will help family caregivers understand what Original Medicare does and doesn’t cover, how the Advantage Plan or a MediGap policy might help, and what waiver programs caregivers can access, especially for respite support. At the end of the afternoon, guests will learn which key takeaways are important to think about as they prepare for Medicare’s next open enrollment period, when coverage can be added or changed.

Guests can register online, by phone at 859-986-1500, or by email at Registration is free and required for this event. A Facebook Event Page is also available. Presenters include Lisa Knicely, CSW, director of outreach programs at Hospice Care Plus and a representative from the Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living.

U-Care was created by Hospice Care Plus to support family caregivers whose loved ones are not yet medically appropriate for hospice care. This is the second family caregiver workshop provided by U-Care.

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Hospice Care Plus empowers those we serve to enjoy the highest quality of life, respecting their values, beliefs, needs, and goals through specialized care, education, resources, and grief support.

Our Service Area:

Our Home Hospice and Home Palliative Care programs serve you, wherever you call home, in the Kentucky counties of Estill, Jackson, Lee, Madison, Owsley, and Rockcastle.

Our inpatient care facility, the Compassionate Care Center, and administrative offices are located in Richmond, Kentucky.

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