National Hospice and Palliative Care Month

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Nat’l Hospice Month: #WeHonorLife

November is National Hospice & Palliative Care Month.  Around the country, hospice and palliative care organizations use the month to raise awareness about these specialized forms of healthcare. At our hospice, we will use the month to celebrate what we believe hospice and palliative care to be about: life. With our #WeHonorLife campaign, we will…

wedding boquet

To Have Mom at My Wedding

Our stories about meaningful experiences are written as they unfold. Therefore, most stories are in the present tense. Some of the patients in these stories are no longer with us. They, and their families, gave us permission to share their experience with you. For those who have since passed, we share these in their memories…

we honor veterans

To Be Thanked for His Service

Our stories about meaningful experiences are written as they unfold. Therefore, most stories are in the present tense. Some of the patients in these stories are no longer with us. They, and their families, gave us permission to share their experience with you. For those who have since passed, we share these in their memories…

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To Have Coffee with an Old Friend

Our stories about meaningful experiences are written as they unfold. Therefore, most stories are in the present tense. Some of the patients in these stories are no longer with us. They, and their families, gave us permission to share their experience with you. For those who have since passed, we share these in their memories…