Hospice in Rockcastle County, Kentucky
Hospice Care Plus provides Home Palliative Care, Home Hospice Care, and Grief & Loss Support.
How do I get services in my county?
Hospice Care Plus will come to your home if you are a resident of one of the six Kentucky counties we serve. Whether your home is downtown, a farm in a rural community, the hospital, or an extended care facility - we’ll be with you during this journey.
I need a medical bed and supplies. Can you help?
When a person enrolls in hospice care, nearly all their medical equipment and supplies are covered by insurance and delivered to the patient’s home. There, professionals will set it up and, in conjunction with our team, provide instructions on its use.
How do I sign up for Hospice Care?
If you or someone you love could benefit from hospice care, palliative care, or grief support, contact us at 859-986-1500, hospice@hospicecp.org, or use this contact form.
We can schedule a free consultation or talk to you by phone to learn more about your needs. If you wish, and if we find that your loved one is appropriate for one of our programs, we can admit him or her to the program quickly.
We serve all of Rockcastle Co., including:
Mount Vernon
Hospice Care is also available in:
Learn more about our services:
How We Help
Whether you are navigating a serious illness or caring for someone who is, you have a lot on your mind. We’re happy to answer any question you have, at any time. You don’t have to sign up for anything to start a conversation.
When is it time?
If you believe a loved one may benefit from hospice or palliative care, call as soon as possible. The earlier we are involved in care, the better the quality of life and care for both patient and family. Hospice provides an extra layer of support as you navigate a serious illness.
What program is right for me?
Whether hospice or palliative care is a better fit depends on many factors, including what your most pressing needs are, details regarding medical eligibility, and your family’s comfort level. Our job is to make that process as easy for you as possible by working with you, your loved one, and your healthcare providers to make the right choice.
What are my next steps?
We recommend contacting us to learn more about programs and options. You can do that here, by calling us at 859-986-1500, or via email to hospice@hospicecp.org. Once you’re ready, we can work with your loved one’s providers to review medical records and arrange for a home or facility visit from one of our nurses. The nurse will assess your loved one and answer your questions.
Where is Hospice Care Plus Located?
Wherever you call home, we come to you.
Hospice Care Plus & Compassionate Care Center is located in Richmond, but our Home Hospice and Palliative Care programs are dedicated to allowing our patients to be where they want to be, with the people they care about most.
For most, that means staying home. Wherever you call home - an assisted living community, nursing home, subdivision, or family farm - we come to you.
News & Events

Lemetta Dause Memorial Tourn., Aug. 21
The 10th Annual Lemetta Dause Memorial Bowling Tournament is scheduled for Sunday, August 21, at 2:00 p.m. at Galaxy Bowling Center in Richmond. The tournament is organized by the Madison County Bowling Association (MCBA) in memory of Mrs. Dause, who was cared for by Hospice Care Plus. It is one of MCBA’s largest tournaments of…

Volunteer Fair Coming June 23
Hospice Care Plus will host its first-ever Volunteer Fair on Thursday, June 23, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at its Compassionate Care Center in Richmond. Mariah Smith, volunteer coordinator at Hospice Care Plus, is organizing the event to give community members a chance to explore volunteer opportunities with the organization. “A lot of people…

KHN Substance Use Disorder Inservices
The Kentucky Hospice Network (KHN) is proud to present a two-part virtual inservice: Substance Use Disorder in Hospice: Part I Thursday, May 26, from 4 PM to 5 PM EST on Zoom and Substance Use Disorder in Hospice Part II: De-Escalation and Communication Thursday, June 9, from 4 PM to 5 PM EST on Zoom…

Hospice Wounds: Registration & CEU Info
The Kentucky Hospice Network (KHN) presents a virtual inservice: Hospice Wounds: Assessment, Management & Prevention at End of Life Thursday, April 28, from 3 PM to 4 PM EST on Zoom Registration is available online. Continuing education units are available for nursing. Our Speaker: Toccara Jule, RN, BSN, MBA, CPHQ, CHPN, CSSGB, CWOCN Toccara…