Madison County, Kentucky

Hospice in Madison County, Kentucky

Hospice Care Plus provides palliative care, hospice home care, grief and loss support, respite care, bereavement care, and spiritual care.

How do I get services in my county?

Hospice Care Plus will come to you, wherever you are. As long as you are a resident of one of the six Kentucky counties we serve. Your home downtown, a farm in a rural community, the hospital, or an extended care facility; we’ll be with you during this journey.

How do I know if it is time for Hospice Care?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce euismod sapien non quam tristique, in feugiat purus vehicula. Pellentesque auctor lectus non risus facilisis, at faucibus purus cursus.

How do I sign up for Hospice Care?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce euismod sapien non quam tristique, in feugiat purus vehicula. Pellentesque auctor lectus non risus facilisis, at faucibus purus cursus.

We serve all of Madison Co., including:

  • Berea

  • Bighill

  • Boonesborough

  • Kingston

  • Kirksville

  • Richmond

  • Waco

Hospice Care is also available in:

Isn’t it expensive?

NO. The cost of care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. Our grief care program is donor supported and you are not invoiced for care.

We provide care for all, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.

Where is Hospice Care Plus Located?

Wherever you call home, we come to you.

Hospice Care Plus & Compassionate Care Center is located in Richmond, but our Home Hospice and Palliative Care programs are dedicated to allowing our patients to be where they want to be, with the people they care about most.

For most, that means staying home. Wherever you call home - an assisted living community, nursing home, subdivision, or family farm - we come to you.

News & Events

_WP Featured Image Gift A Day25

Gift A Day Of Care in 2025

Every Day Is a Gift at Hospice Care Plus. We have spent 43 years fulfilling our mission of providing compassionate care that helps make each day matter. Today, we invite you to be part of this mission by giving to our Gift A Day of Care: The $225 in 2025 giving campaign. “At Hospice Care…


Journaling Through Grief Series Hosted in Irvine

Hospice Care Plus is offering a new grief support series called Journaling Through Grief, starting Aug. 7 and ending Oct. 23. The group will meet every Thursday at 10 a.m. from Aug. 7 through Oct. 23 at the Estill County Public Library in Irvine. Enrollment is limited to 12 and is open to anyone in…

2025 Hearts for Hospice Fundraiser

Give a Heart for Hospice in February

During the month of February, several local banks and businesses are hosting the annual “Hearts for Hospice” fundraising event. When you visit the lobby or drive-through of a participating bank or business, you will have the opportunity to request a memorial heart for a donation of at least one dollar. Donors write their name or…

Invitation for the retirement celebration of Teresa Turner, APNP.

Celebrating Teresa Turner’s Retirement

On January 31, Teresa Turner, APRN, will retire from Hospice Care Plus after more than 24 years of service. An open-house retirement party will be held Friday, January 31, between 12 PM and 2 PM at Hospice Care Plus & Compassionate Care Center on 350 Isaacs Lane in Richmond. All are invited to drop by…