Hospice in Madison County, Kentucky
Hospice Care Plus provides palliative care, hospice home care, grief and loss support, respite care, bereavement care, and spiritual care.
How do I get services in my county?
Hospice Care Plus will come to you, wherever you are. As long as you are a resident of one of the six Kentucky counties we serve. Your home downtown, a farm in a rural community, the hospital, or an extended care facility; we’ll be with you during this journey.
How do I know if it is time for Hospice Care?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce euismod sapien non quam tristique, in feugiat purus vehicula. Pellentesque auctor lectus non risus facilisis, at faucibus purus cursus.
How do I sign up for Hospice Care?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce euismod sapien non quam tristique, in feugiat purus vehicula. Pellentesque auctor lectus non risus facilisis, at faucibus purus cursus.
We serve all of Madison Co., including:
Hospice Care is also available in:
Where is Hospice Care Plus Located?
Wherever you call home, we come to you.
Hospice Care Plus & Compassionate Care Center is located in Richmond, but our Home Hospice and Palliative Care programs are dedicated to allowing our patients to be where they want to be, with the people they care about most.
For most, that means staying home. Wherever you call home - an assisted living community, nursing home, subdivision, or family farm - we come to you.
News & Events

Caregiver Connection November Meeting
Caregiver Connection’s November meeting will take place on Monday, November 1, from 12 PM to 1 PM. The meeting will take place online via Zoom. Sign up today online. The Zoom link will be sent by email to those who sign up. Caregiver Connection is a monthly meeting that allows family caregivers to gather for…

Celebrate our 40th with #40for40!
Hospice Care Plus is celebrating 40 years of compassionate care. When our doors opened in 1981, our goal was simple: provide quality care to those dealing with a serious illness and their families. Our small, all-volunteer team worked out of the trunks of their cars and provided care to about 40 patients a day. Today,…

Volunteers: Our Healthcare Heroes! Join today.
Volunteers are needed now more than ever. Though they have always been our heroes, volunteers now are truly healthcare heroes. You can be part of our healthcare hero team in any number of ways. Whether you have an hour a month or two hours a week, there are many ways you can support patients and…

Caregiver Connection October Meeting
Caregiver Connection, a new resource for family caregivers, hosts a meeting on the first Monday of each month. The meetings are designed to give caregivers a chance to network and share tips, challenges, resources, and more. Caregiver Connection is hosted and sponsored by Hospice Care Plus. At this time, meetings are held virtually via Zoom.…