Hospice in Madison County, Kentucky
Hospice Care Plus provides palliative care, hospice home care, grief and loss support, respite care, bereavement care, and spiritual care.
How do I get services in my county?
Hospice Care Plus will come to you, wherever you are. As long as you are a resident of one of the six Kentucky counties we serve. Your home downtown, a farm in a rural community, the hospital, or an extended care facility; we’ll be with you during this journey.
How do I know if it is time for Hospice Care?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce euismod sapien non quam tristique, in feugiat purus vehicula. Pellentesque auctor lectus non risus facilisis, at faucibus purus cursus.
How do I sign up for Hospice Care?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce euismod sapien non quam tristique, in feugiat purus vehicula. Pellentesque auctor lectus non risus facilisis, at faucibus purus cursus.
We serve all of Madison Co., including:
Hospice Care is also available in:
Where is Hospice Care Plus Located?
Wherever you call home, we come to you.
Hospice Care Plus & Compassionate Care Center is located in Richmond, but our Home Hospice and Palliative Care programs are dedicated to allowing our patients to be where they want to be, with the people they care about most.
For most, that means staying home. Wherever you call home - an assisted living community, nursing home, subdivision, or family farm - we come to you.
News & Events

The Team Behind the Billboard
Now through October 6, local residents can see one of our patient care teams at the intersection of Highway 25 and the Robert Martin Bypass in Richmond. For the first time ever, they are featured on a billboard that educates about the nature of hospice and palliative care. The slogan? Caring is a team sport.…

It’s Falls Prevention Awareness Week
If you have an aging parent, grandparent, or neighbor in your life, helping them reduce their risk of falling is essential to quality of life. Assessing and reducing their fall risk is a great way to help them stay healthy and independent for as long as possible. Among older adults, falls are the leading cause…

Hee Haw Hoedown a Huge Success!
The Hee Haw Hoedown, held at the Estill County Fair Barn, had a record-setting night on Aug. 13. The event raises funds for Hospice Care Plus and is organized by a local committee. This is the fourteenth year the committee has hosted the fundraiser, which features a different theme each year. Committee member Erin Leach…

Grants Fund New Cargo Van
With the help of matching grants totaling $30,000 from the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels (HOKC) and the E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund, Hospice Care Plus added a gently used cargo van to its medical equipment program. The van is used to deliver equipment to the homes of hospice patients and families in all counties served…