HCP Wins Hospice Honors Award
Hospice Care Plus has been named a 2023 Hospice Honors Award recipient by Healthcare First. Hospice Honors is a prestigious program that recognizes hospices across the country providing the highest level of quality as measured by patients and families. Hospice Care Plus is one of only seven hospices in Kentucky to earn the award in…

Volunteers: Our Healthcare Heroes! Join today.
Volunteers are needed now more than ever. Though they have always been our heroes, volunteers now are truly healthcare heroes. You can be part of our healthcare hero team in any number of ways. Whether you have an hour a month or two hours a week, there are many ways you can support patients and…

Visit the Bucket-List Blog
We love sharing our bucket-list stories, and there are so many of them that we’ve given them their own home: The Hospice Care Plus Bucket-List Blog. Visit today and read inspiring stories about bucket-list wishes like: Meeting Blake Shelton in Person (It Happened!) Visiting a Favorite Fishing Hole One More Time Marrying the Love of…