Daily Rates


The Center for Medicare Services (CMS) requires providers to publish their rates. As a non-profit hospice, our mission is to provide care and core services to all, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. These rates are not invoiced to patients and families; these are the rates of reimbursement CMS will pay to our organization when a patient’s care is covered by Medicare.

These rates only apply to our Home Hospice Care and Compassionate Care Center programs.

Routine Home Care (1-60 Days): $197.22 per day
Routine Home Care (61+ Days):  $155.34 per day
Respite Care: $460.29 per day
General Inpatient Care: $1032.73 per day
Continuous Care:  $1393.65 per day

Isn’t it expensive?

NO. The cost of care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. Our palliative and grief care programs are donor supported and you are not invoiced for care.

We provide care for all, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.

News & Events


To Marry Karen

One February day in 2014, we made a special request on our Facebook page:  did anyone have a sized 32-34 suit or tux we could borrow for a patient who wanted to get married? We asked our Facebook followers because the patient’s care team—the nurse, social worker, nurse aid, and chaplain—had all checked with friends and…

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Calendar of Events

We Honor Veterans

We Honor Veterans

We believe that our community’s veterans deserve care that is tailored to their unique needs. That’s why we are a proud partner in the We Honor Veterans program, a combined effort of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). As a We Honor Veterans partner, we work…